![Weve Moved](http://www.theannaedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Weve-Moved.jpg)
So it’s official – we’ve moved. We made it! I can hand on my heart say that the process of moving has been the most stressful chapter of my life thus far, which we didn’t exactly make easy for ourselves allocating just one day to pack up a whole flat and living for the past few weeks with just a bed as our only piece of furniture, but hey – lessons have been learned and hindsight is a wonderful thing, right? My daily crying count has gone back down to ‘once a day: optional’, instead of ‘three/four times a day’ and I’m quite embracing using my ‘Anna’s Paperwork’ box as my nightstand. Character building and all that.
Knowing that limbo would be a bit crazy, I pre-scheduled a handful of posts and videos but this is the final one from that batch, so from tomorrow we enter the unknown and I thought I’d just put out a little warning that if things round here are a bit subpar for a few weeks, then I’d much appreciate you bearing with me whilst we actually get some furniture (though writing blog posts in bed is actually rather enjoyable) and root around boxes to find long-lost belongings (the day I find my bank card reader will be both a joyful and horrifying one).
Despite the muddle I wouldn’t have it any other way right now. The inch-thick dust layer that finds its way onto every surface of the flat approximately an hour after hoovering is worth it because the place is slowly starting to take shape and I quite enjoy my dinners with Mark huddled around a medium-sized box labeled ‘TV & Media’. Thankfully our furniture orders are slowly staring to trickle through – who knew it took so long to be delivered? – and next week will see the arrival of a few crucial pieces that will mean that we have an alternative place to sit instead of the bed or a fold-out camping chair. I look forward to sharing little interior snippets here and there as it all starts coming together.
To anyone who’s in the process of moving – good luck, hang on in there and don’t leave a measly 12 hour window to pack up all your stuff. Those kitchen cupboards are killer. And big love again to all of you that decide to spend some of your day perusing around these parts. You really all do ROCK!