I know the norm is ‘Get Ready With Me’ in these realms, but d’ya fancy an ‘Get Un-Ready With Me’ video offering? Phew. Because there’s one above – just click play. To get a hint of what you’re in for I’ll sum it up for you. The regimes and routines that I indulge in beauty and non-beauty-wise before I hit the sack. There’s a sneak at bathtime (no nudity don’t worry, no one wants to see that), a look-in at my evening skincare routine and nods to my current reads (Leandra Medine’s book is everything) and views. All with a headlining appearance from those COS pyjamas again. It makes me sleepy just watching it. Want some snooze time inspiration, or just fancy watching something that will make you drift away? It’s just the ticket…

Don’t sleep on COS denim’s selection. It’s gooood.