If you’re a regular reader of this blog then you may know that Essie Ballet Slippers is the only nail polish that has been gracing my nails over the past few months. But recently I dug into the depths of my nail polish collection and unearthed some of my favourite pastel shades that are perfect for Spring. It’s no surprise that my top 5 consists of mostly Essie, I Â just have a thing for their little white-lidded bottles! But I’ve been well and truly re-bitten by the nail polish bug and am itching for a free evening to indulge in a mini manicure. My top colour right now has to be Essie Absolutely Shore, I’ll see if I can get a post up about it soon. What’s your favourite Spring polish? Any I need to add to my collection?

One of my favourite denim styles with 60% off – such a good deal.