Over the past few months I’ve discovered that there’s a void in my wardrobe. When it comes to outfit selection for weekday activities I’ve got that whole ‘smart, but not too smart’ thing down with a tried and tested combination of heeled boots, skinny jeans, baggy knits and my trusty ZARA pea coat. It’s basically my uniform. If I’m working from home then I have an overflowing drawer of tracksuit bottoms to pick from (H&M ones are the ones FYI). But for casual weekend activities? Well that’s where the void lies. I tend to whack on my uniform and swap the boots for a pair of converse I’ve owned since I was 16. However (with my laundry head on) there are just some things you want to leave for best and that’s where the Whistles Slogan Sweatshirts from ASOS come in.
Comfy, casual but with just the right level of chic; finally my GCSE in French has been put to good use. Worded clothing always seemed a bit ’90’s to me. Probably due to the fact that back in the day I ironed on an ‘Eminem’ transfer that I got free with Top of the Pops magazine on my favourite vest top. But when Whistles do slogans you know it’s going to be good. Slim-line enough to layer with a vest-top underneath and slip nicely under a coat, I’ve been pairing mine with my Topshop Leighs and my Whistles Lauren Boots (a.k.a my best sale purchase).
I could wax lyrical about the high quality or the fact I’ve barely peeled them off since purchase but you can’t get away from the main fact. Yes, they are ridiculously overpriced (I give it approximately a week until Topshop or ZARA crack out a cut-priced version) and when one of the sweatshirts sits in a particular way it looks like I have ‘COME’ emblazoned on my chest, but I bloomin’ love them. Weekend wardrobe? Sorted.