There is now a whole drawer in my beauty set-up that stashes away a rather large smorgasbord of cute looking minis. Collected from numerous trips to Space NK, added extras from online shopping orders or just tester-scaled try me’s from discovery kits I keep them holed away for times when I’m feeling a little experimental; which judging by the title of this post just so happens to be today. So I’m turning my back on my creature of habit ways and cracking open some new pampertime tasters; here’s the low-down on my sample-sized Sunday beauty menu:
First up body, and I’ll be kicking off proceedings with a salt sewn bath but putting my usual suspects aside and sprinkling in a sachet of Hotel Costes Bath Salts that I nabbed from  said Hotel on my last visit to Paris. In-tub cleaning action will be sudded-up with & Other Stories Moroccan Tea Body Wash (a little treat they dish out till side for beauty spenders in store) and scrubbed-up with ESPA’s Detoxifying Salt Scrub* which from the back packet blurb sounds dreee-amy. Moisturising duties will be taken care of by a split and squeezed pack of Egyptian Magic which has been on my ‘to-try’ list for years. Today is the day people; I’ll drop back in with an update on this one.
Now when it comes to hair I’ve deviated from the brief a little as this coiffeuring trio has made an appearance in my lock lovin’ rotation before. Tried and tested, it’s a nice fuss-free regime that washes in just the right sensitive balance of root boost and shine. Rahua’s Voluminous Shampoo* and Conditioner* take care of their respective steps and post light towel dry I take a 2p-sized dollop of Macadamia’s Healing Oil Treatment through my ends; the only thing that halted Monica style hair when I visited more tropical climates last year. A simple lineup, but it does the job.
The sachet-sized facial roster is what’s really wetting my beauty whistle. After a cleanse with the good ol’ Emma Hardie stuff – all the mini facial cleaners have appeared to go walkies in my stash – I’m cracking out a mask that I’ve been saving for a special occassion and yep this sleepy, sorta sunny, non-eventful day is it. Malin + Goetz Detox Face Mask is coming out to play. A favourite of a previous Beauty Ed boss of mine, I have high hopes. Next I’m planning a little skincare sandwich to see to my current complexion concerns (a little dryness paired with a lack of luminosity if you were wondering, nice). I’m planning a foundation layer of Olé Henriksen’s Truth Serum Collagen Booster*, followed by a juicy filling of Nude’s ProGenius Treatment Oil, all finished with a coating of Elemental Herbology’s Facial Soufflé Overnight Repair Cream*. Now that sounds good, right?
A a body TLC sesh, a parred-down hairwash and a mini facial all courtesy of the dinky-sized contents of one drawer. Is this the beginnings of me making a dent in my sample stash and my bathroom beginning turned into a sachet-strewn beauty battlefield? We’ll see…Â
*PR Sample