I’d thought I’d try something different today, and instead of just whacking out a ‘Weekend Post’ for you guys, I thought I’d throw up a video too! In all honestly I think this post would have been quite a long one without it, so I’ve popped up a nice and ramblely video instead! Over the past few weeks I decided that I needed a skincare shakeup, gone are my oily-prone teenage days and I’m starting to notice my skin is getting drier and needs a but of extra TLC that I wasn’t giving it before. So I’ve begun to slowly acquire new things and you know what – my skin is actually liking it! It’s still early days, so no full-on reviews or recommendations here, just an overview of what I’m currently using and my first impressions. Hope you like it!

My dedication to full length jeans is still going strong and these will be fab over the summer too.