Ain’t no buyers regret to see here…

Today’s video is a remake of my ‘Beauty: Where To Spend & Where To Save‘ one, but with a style twist. There are some categories in my wardrobe where I ponder purchases for months and spend amounts of money on that I hope that my Mum never works out, and then there are others where I don’t feel I have to put the research or the resources in to. Being a fan of winter dressing (I’m at the point where I’m doing a little ‘autumn dance’ every morning in an all-black outfit with a wooly hat on, hoping that it will make an appearance soon), all my investment pieces seem to be skewed to the cold weather end of the spectrum, but it doesn’t seem like too much of a nuts idea given that in the U.K we spend about 11 months of the year with the heating on and complaining about the climate. Over the years I’ve sorted myself out in these categories, but I thought I’d share some suggestions of where I’d begin if I was to start the investment (a.k.a girlie maths) section of my capsule wardrobe all over again…

As I mention in the video, I’m talking about a particular cross-section of coats here. You know the really boring classic ones in neutral colours and tried-and-tested cuts that you could get out and wear each winter for the next 10 years and no one would be able to tell when you bought it? To me, that’s the ultimate investment purchase right there. Coats can be pricey, so I’d suggest hitting the slightly more luxe side of the high-street for this. Places like REISS, & Other Stories and Whistles have always had me covered in this category. Personally I think you can’t go wrong with a trench coat in a pale neutral colour, a pea coat and a leather jacket with minimal embellishments. I’ve had coats in all these categories for years that I dust off each time the cooler weather rolls in and with a bit of upkeep and the odd dry-clean here and there, they still look brand new.

Because I’m a capsule wardrobe nerd, at the end of each season I evaluate the past three months and write a list of my most-worn items and things that I feel are still missing from my wardrobe, which really helps when it comes to switching it up and buying a few new bits next year. On my list for last winter I put that I was lacking in the winter boot department and needed a pair of heeled black boots – so that’s what will be on my shopping list come December. However, I feel I have the flat boot section of my wardrobe down thanks to my purchase of the Acne Jensen Leather Boots last year that I’m still bloody loving. They take a bit of breaking in, but they’re a purchase that I’d 100% recommend. Although if you’re looking for a slightly less wallet-walloping alternative give & Other Stories a go as they often have good dupes for both Acne Studios and Gucci shoes.

If I had to wear silk shirts on my top half for the rest of my life then I’d be one happy chappy. I feel like they’re the real staple in my wardrobe and part of my uniform that I crack out most days. Unfortunately silk just ain’t a fabric that comes cheap, however it is one that feel completely glorious against the skin and the breathable and light texture means I’m not completely soaked with sweat patches five minutes after buttoning it up. I wear them in the summer, I wear them in the winter with vests underneath because I’m a Grandma; but I wear them all-year round which means that I’m definitely getting my ‘cost per wear’ down in this category. If I had to pick a designer favourite I’d go for Equipment as they practically focus their whole brand around the humble silk shirt, although Frame do some pretty silk blouses in alternative cuts; and again & Other Stories is where I’d point you in the direction of if you fancy something that ticks all the quality boxes without a massive price tag.

If silk feels fancy against your silk, then cashmere is a whole different level. Whenever I wear a cashmere jumper I turn into a teddy bear and whenever I greet someone with a hug I feel like they linger a little longer. Perhaps not great if you don’t like personal space invasions, but a good one to go for if you’re like me and human contact is EVERYTHING (I still curl up on the sofa with my Mum and watch Homes Under The Hammer). Again, the price of the fabric alone dictates this to be an investment purchase, with my favourite style being the Sloane Cashmere Jumper from Equipment, although once again & Other Stories offer cracking alternatives. I also can’t get the Lingua Franca collection out of my mind, because Mark and I love to bop around to The Notorious B.I.G ‘Juicy’. But the price? Somebody stop me…

I don’t have much tailoring in my wardrobe, but from the experience that I have through buying the odd ‘proper’ trouser here and a blazer there, it’s a tough category to completely ace on the high-street. It’s worth the investment though because a well-fitting jacket will make you feel like the most badass businesswoman to set foot on the planet and a pair of suit trousers can easily be dressed up or down, and make a great alternative if you live in denim *raises hand*. I find that hitting places like REISS and Whistles should sort you out here, although I am doing a bit of drooling over some A.P.C pieces too. Prepare to spend a bit of money on a seamstress here as well, to really make the pieces fit like a glove. Trust me, you’ll be wanting to wear your blazer to bed it fits so well.

Photos by Lauren Shipley