Say hello to ‘Beauty Hacks’ week here on VDM. Seven days crammed with posts and videos filled to the brim with makeup shortcuts, products that make our regimes that little bit more streamlined and tips that will have you nodding along and thinking ‘genius’. Ok, maybe not the last one…
I love a good at-home facial come Sundays. Though I must admit I’ve been a bit slack recently and my complexion is punishing me for it with a sprouting of fresh blemishes on my chin as a daily occurrence. Noice. So it’s time to pay my skin the same attention that I do Ryan Gosling GIFs and get to work, only this weekend time really isn’t of the essence. I’m back in Brighton with people to see, places to go and a belated Mother’s Day dinner to attend. It’s times like this when I fallback to a three product routine designed to cleanse, buff and nourish the skin through the barrier and into Monday feeling and looking fresh. Feel free to swap-in products and substitute but for me this is what today’s quickie facial is shaping up like:
THE DEEP CLEAN – Boots Shine Away Botanics Ionic Clay Mask. Using a cleansing mask isn’t anything new, but using it as a cleanser with only a few minutes of skin contact – well that’s a little different. I propose using your usual unclogging mask favourite, but applying it like you would your usual cleanser post-makeup removal. It’s a weird one to get used to at first – time is of the essence here people – and you’ll be surprised how soft things feel after a quick slap on/rinse off.
THE BUFFER – Oskia Micro Exfoliating Balm. Ain’t nobody got time to sit around and wait for AHA’s to do their skin scrubbing thing. Sometimes you’ve just got to go back to basics with a subtly sloughing formula that is gentle enough not to irritate, but gets the job done. The Oskia fits that bill to tee giving the skin a good polish but without the beaming red cheeks after that I so often sport when things get too rough.
THE OIL – Tarte Pure Maracuja Oil. Naturally the final step to any facial routine, speedy or otherwise, is to dose up on the moisture. A good one-step option is to opt for an oil – they really step up to the plate when it comes to delivering moisturiser fast and effectively. There’s a tonne that I turn to, but Tarte’s offering is one of the least typically oily I’ve come across and doesn’t leave you looking like you could fry an egg on your chops after application.
Three products, five minutes tops, your skin will be thanking you come the morning and you’ll still have time to clear out your wardrobe/cook a roast/watch a shed load of TV among other Sunday-reserved activities. Who said Sunday was the day of rest?