*spritz, spritz* Baby – you smell good

The summer is winding down here in the U.K. There have been a couple of evenings where I’ve worn my cashmere socks to bed and all of a sudden I have an urge to eat some kind of stew every night. I’m not going to lie – I’m a fully ready for autumn. I love the weather when it’s sunny, but crisp and you can still go out for dinner and sit outside, but a scarf over your knees makes things a bit cosier. COSY! Ah man, I just love to be cosy and the beginning of autumn means that we are about to enter a solid eight months of prime ‘evenings by the fire that Mark can’t quite seem to stop poking and prodding with’ time. I’m down for it, but in the meantime I’m fully aware that I need to soak up the final days of summer like a sponge. So I’ve been trying to whip out my fake tanning glove, my denim skirt and beauty products that smell like a heady mix of suncream and coconuts, to make the most of the final week or two of heat. Here’s what has made the summer-scented cut…

Makeup-wise I’m not too into scents because you’re quite literally slapping something with a potentially potent whiff so close to your nose; but there are two items that I give a hall pass to because they actually do what they say on the tin. The first is the Too Faced Hangover Rx Replenishing Primer and when it comes to hydrating bases, this one rules the roost (and smells like coconuts). Whenever I apply it, my face responds like it’s been completely parched and I’ve just treated it to an ice cold pint of water. It glows, it breathes a sigh of relief and my makeup looks like a complete dewy dream over the top of it. P.S) Don’t bother with the spray version of it, it makes your face wet and tacky and feels kinda grim.
The second is the Glossier Balm Dot Com in Birthday Cake, which I feel is surprisingly going to win a spot in my monthly favourites come next week. I wouldn’t call myself a shimmer lover, but the teeny tiny silver flecks in this just add juiciness to the finish and make my lips look a little pouty and full which is enough to make me believe in miracles. I thought I’d hate this product, but I’ve weirdly ended up loving it and the smell is like cookies. Make sure you’re well fed when you apply this, or else you’ll end up salivating.

I’m a serial gagger when it comes to perfume. Often they give me a headache and I have to wash them off my wrist before I pass out. Of course I’m being a little dramatic here, but it ain’t pretty. So I stick to my old faithfuls when it comes to scent as I’m a little hesitant to give new ones a fair test. My summer scent of choice is the Kiehl’s Fig Leaf & Sage Eau de Toilette, which has sadly been discontinued, although it might be worth having a dig at your local counter or store to see if they have some gathering dust. I was prepared for this to happen and so stocked up on a large bottle, which I’m now making my way through one scared spray at a time. I love it because it’s fresh and green without any sweetness; but if you need a dupe try Diptyque’s Philosykos.
Speaking of Diptyque, their scents don’t get much more summery than their Figuier Candle. I’ve been burning it for years so there’s something quite nostalgic about the coconut, fruity fig throw that takes me back. I’d love to say I have one in every room (THE DREAM!), but I’m currently burning a travel-size one in my office.

I must admit that I’ve had this Tom Ford Neroli Portofino Shower Gel for years and have been saving it for when we get our bathroom done. Two years later and our bathroom still contains mould from the ’70’s (although we did buy a sink from IKEA! Progress). So I said balls to my original plan and have cracked it out. Now this shower gel might just be the most extravagant beauty item I own (it’s definitely one to save for a #TreatYoSelf moment or pop on a birthday list), but it does smell heavenly and make me feel like a naked supermodel throwing oil over some other naked supermodel whenever I use it in the shower. You’ve seen the ads right?
The item that spawned the idea for this whole post, is the Philip Kingsley Coconut Breeze Elasticizer, which basically smells like Malibu, a.k.a) the only alcoholic beverage that I really, truly enjoy because inside I’m still 16. I used to use the original of this back in the day, when I had hair that reached my tailbone and was always impressed by the soft and voluminous result. Then I gave this one a go recently and it all clicked back into place. My hair was soft to touch, my frizzy bits at my parting were smoothed and my locks smelt like a summer holiday. As I’m writing this post I have it in my hair again and I’m desperately craving a Malibu. It’s always 5pm somewhere, right?
Photos by Lauren Shipley