A few Sundays ago I had what I’d deem ‘The Perfect Sunday’. After spending Saturday on my hands and knees giving the flat a long overdue scrub down and an unfortunate incident which involved rubber gloves and a rather cold hand – life lesson: never flush kitchen roll down the toilet – I was up for a slightly more enjoyable and warmer occasion. And that it was; from a delicious homemade breakfast (if I say so myself), to a five-product pamper and one of the best roasts I’ve ever consumed. Heck, we even did something cultural. So for this weekend’s post I thought I’d share what ‘The Perfect Sunday’s’ timeline shaped up like…
10am – A Scrumptious Start. I’m stating this happened at 10am, but I’m pretty sure it was closer to 11…. anyway. Weekends in our household call for a big breakfast. Away goes the cereal and out comes the frying pan. With my belly calling out for some French Toast I did a quick googling for recipes and stumbled across Nigella’s Doughnut French Toast. Oh. My. Word. It’s your basic mix with a hell’a load of Vanilla Essence whisked in and yes I can confirm it did taste just like the real thing. I can also confirm that I plonked three scoops of ice cream on the top as its accompaniment.
11am – Mani Moment. In the mist of a food-induced coma it was time for a quiet moment of reflection and nail painting before we made our way to the big outdoors. I’m feeling the taupey-lavender tones of Essie’s Master Plan at the moment. The thick set brush means I can stroke on the colour in record time, it’s fast drying, only needs two coats and with a layer of Seche Vite or the Mavala Speed Dry stuff over the top I was ready to start making myself look presentable just minutes after application.
1pm – Get Your Roast in. Sundays and roast dinners go together like Ryan Gosling and toplessness in my opinion. On this occasion we met up with Lily Pebbles and her other half for a slap up lunch at The Queens in Crouch End. We all went for the beef option and boy was it good. All the trimmings were there and the meat was oh-so tender. Without conjuring up gannet-like visions of myself in your minds I also devoured a Sticky Toffee Pudding. Though I must point out that Lily and I shared and I may have had to secretly un-do my jeans under the table.
3pm – Take a Trip. Suffering with my second food baby of the day, we decided a little trip was on the cards so made our way down south to the Saatchi Gallery. It’s worth a visit, if only for a gander in the oil room (Gallery 15 if I remember rightly?). Very, cool. Very cool indeed.
6pm – Primp and Pamper. It wouldn’t be a Sunday without a bit of pampering, right? But this time I kept it quick and streamlined, incorporating only five products. Things begun with a dry body brush courtesy of one I picked up in the aisles of Boots. It’s one of those feels slightly painful, but slightly good things and supposedly encourages your circulation to get a move on. A bath with the a big dollop of the Therapie Himalayan Detox Salts followed. Standard. I washed my locks with the Ojon Rare Blend Infusion Shampoo and added some moisture into the tips with the MV Organics Jojoba Oil. Then finished off with my usual skincare routine and a hefty amount of the Clarins Liquid Bronze Self Tanning to add a slap of colour onto my chops for Monday.
9pm – Time with Friends. I love a good box set. Two episodes of a TV favourite guarantees me a quick transition into the land of slumber. In fact it’s not uncommon for me to fall asleep mid-watch and my boyfriend have to close up the laptop and tuck me in. See I told you I was a grannie. At the moment it’s Friends. We’re working our way through from season one episode one all the way through till the end. Yep, all in all the perfect Sun-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.