
The Perfect Hair Day Shampoo & Conditioner


Is there anything from the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day range that I don’t like? Nope there’s not and I can verify that 100% because I’ve now given a go every single item from the line. I’d previously tried, tested and thumbsed up their 5-in-1 Styling Treatment and Night Cap Overnight Perfector, but on my recent L.A trip (full beauty haul coming this Sunday), I picked up the final two pieces of the puzzle – the Shampoo and Conditioner.

Just like the two pieces I’d tried before, the washing combo lived up to the claims of delivering ‘smoothness, volume, conditioning, strength and polish’. My hair felt clean and clarified, but not in a drying way and looked nourished without feeling heavy. I’m not quite sure how it does it. As always the scent was spot on too. Kinda citrusy and fresh and it lingered around for long enough. My only bugbear is that this range is still hard to come by in the U.K unless you can be arsed to ship it over from Sephora. Though let me tell you – it’s worth the wait. My hair has never had so many good hair days in a row. *touches wood*
