
Hi, I'm Anna.

U.K-based online content creator and author of the organisation manual ‘An Edited Life’.

'The Wardrobe Edit' on Substack

A place for minimal style lovers, this twice a week Substack newsletter is your place for alllll the style inspo direct to your inbox. Your one-stop-shop, whether you're looking for new ways to wear your old favourites, or want someone to do the scrolling for you. Allow me?

'The Packing Edit' - Available Now

Find everything you need to organise, sort and plan your holiday wardrobe in this 14-page PDF download. From the travel essentials that I’ve used for years, to the best packing guides around (one for short trips and one for long-haul holidays) – this guide will make your next packing session a breeze. I’ve thrown in a 10-piece capsule wardrobe for you to riff off and my top hot weather investment buys too. You are SORTED.


The Peplum Top

In all honesty this post should have included a neon-bright yellow waterproof poncho, as I’m currently stuck in the middle of a tropical storm and it’s all I’ve been wearing for the past week. And yes it does have a picture of Mickey Mouse on the back as it was the only one in stock for miles around! But I think I’ll save that shot for Instagram and instead show you guys my favourite clothing piece at the moment. The peplum top…

Perfect with black denim shorts when it’s a little warmer, a body-con skirt for the evening or just plain ol’ jeans – which is how I’ve been wearing it most days, it’s easily my most worn top of the moment. I’m a ‘straight up, straight down’ kinda girl, but the peplum adds a touch of womanly curves – who doesn’t love that? I got my Peplum Top from Topshop and I’ve been pairing it with my new Topshop Leigh vintage wash jeans. I know I bitch and moan about the Leigh jeans loosing their dye, but they are some of the best-fitting jeans out there, plus they come in some wicked colours. The necklace is again from Topshop, bit of a Topshop theme going on here; I’ve been wearing it most days of my hols. I’m finding myself pretty drawn to statement necklaces at the moment – easy just to slip on  and instantly give a bit of bling. And for shoes, out come the Zara T-Bar Wedges, the only pair of heels I bought with me on holidays – love ’em!

Topshop seem to have bought out a few versions of the peplum top, but here’s a link to the one that I got. Are you a peplum lover? Wanna see me in my Mickey Mouse poncho? Let me know!
