
Hi, I'm Anna.

U.K-based online content creator and author of the organisation manual ‘An Edited Life’.

'The Wardrobe Edit' on Substack

A place for minimal style lovers, this twice a week Substack newsletter is your place for alllll the style inspo direct to your inbox. Your one-stop-shop, whether you're looking for new ways to wear your old favourites, or want someone to do the scrolling for you. Allow me?

'The Packing Edit' - Available Now

Find everything you need to organise, sort and plan your holiday wardrobe in this 14-page PDF download. From the travel essentials that I’ve used for years, to the best packing guides around (one for short trips and one for long-haul holidays) – this guide will make your next packing session a breeze. I’ve thrown in a 10-piece capsule wardrobe for you to riff off and my top hot weather investment buys too. You are SORTED.


The One Where I Talk About Birthdays


Despite being a fully-grown adult, I still can’t help but get a little bit excited by my own birthday. Which is in fact today (and yes my excitement levels are at a year-time high right now)! This now means that if I was ever to enter the X Factor as part of the ’90’s Tribute Band ‘LilyAnna’ with Lily – crazier things have happened and we’re really good at reciting S Club 7 classics – I would have to be part of the ’25 and overs’ category and I’m really ok with that. Here are some things that I have learnt over the years:

1) Work hard, play more. Note to self: play more.

2) The joy of giving is way more than receiving. It’s a cliché but it’s true. Christmas present shopping will forever be my favourite task.

3) The smaller the better. I reckon Birthday gatherings with your nearest and dearest are the way to go. Whenever I’ve tried to do something larger scale I spend the whole night making sure everyone’s glasses are full and they’d mark me a 10 for my hostess skills in the taxi home.

4) As you get older you really won’t care what people think of you. Honestly. There comes a time when you say ‘I don’t care’ and you actually mean it.

5) Don’t get horrendously drunk on your birthday. You will spend the next few days dry retching and unable to even eat toast while writing thank you cards and it’s really not fun.

September 21st is not only a day to remember because it is my day of birth, it’s also the day that I first met Mark. I moved into my first year University halls on my Birthday and though it was sort of terrifying I wore a cute little dress, handed out cake and was known as ‘Cake Girl’ for the whole of the first week which is really a nickname I can get behind. Mark queued up outside my room for a slice of cake (no innuendo intended, there really was a line of boys that formed to get a slice of my Mum’s homemade cake), got a piece and the rest is history.

Thank you for all your kind wishes, support in general and coming back and having a snoop around my little corner of the internet. It’s much appreciated as always. Right, now I’m off and I promise rule 5 will be adhered to tonight and I won’t wear a tiara out like I did when I was 18…
