I swear I write about this topic around this time each year, but it’s because aside from the Nails Inc Porchester Square-esque lavender-y grey toned nail polishes which are my all-time favourites, next in line come the A/W suited ‘looks black, but aren’t black’ colours – hence the title of this post. More often than not they’re just a really, really deep wine which coat the nail with a deep red look with one coat, but transform into a midnight rouge come the second layer. There’s just something about a short cut nail bed washed in a glossy dark lacquer that just calls out to me and I can pretty much guarantee that the following five will be on rotation until about May-time next year.
Now I could try to differentiate them here but we all know that would be rather useless as seen from the swatches above, so instead I’ll give you a left to right walk through and if there’s a distinguishing feature I’ll point it out. Firstly we have Nails Inc Nail Polish in Victoria. It’s a classic. Heck – it even says ‘Hero Shade‘ on the bottle. A very similar shade comes in the form of Butter London’s La Moss, which is perhaps just slightly thinner in consistency. Something that sits a bit more purple-y on the nail is Deborah Lippmann’s Nail Polish in Dark Side of the Moon, but when it’s layered up this along with the aforementioned three look like triplets. Be wary though as this one takes a while to dry. Probably the most noir of them all is Essie’s Luxedo and actually it has the best brush and formula in terms of opaqueness. But I’ve saved the best till last – CHANEL Le Vernis in Rouge Noir which is just on point when it comes to this genre. The clue is in the name, eh?