Ready for the monthly drop of all things sweaty? Say hello to March’s instalment which includes an unsurprising kit favourite, a leaner take on one of my favourite meals and a look at the routine that I’ll be following for the next four weeks…
THE INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT TO FOLLOW – If you haven’t already spotted him on Instagram, then have a follow of my PT, Paul at PMPTfitness. He posts all sorts on there from meal prep, to his own personal workouts and snippets at was his PT sessions look like which sometimes feature an extremely blotchy looking, red-faced me. I never know when he’s snapping away so it’s always exciting/horrifying when I see he’s tagged me in a photo. Thanks Paul!
THE RECIPE THAT’S WORTH A WHIRL – Turkey Bolognese. Now I haven’t actually got a physical recipe for you here as all I did was sub the beef for turkey mince in my normal Bolognese recipe, but I’ve been trying to get more white meat into my diet and this was a surprisingly easy swap to make. Mark and I could both barely tell the difference and it makes for a much leaner meal (though I had seconds which I’m sure defeats the point). I’m impressed.
THE CURRENT KIT CRUSH – of course it has to be the Lululemon Align Pants. They are easily one of the nicest pieces of clothing (yep, they’re up there with my love for the Whistles spotty shirts!) I’ve purchased in recent times. So soft, so comfy, so practical. When I wear them I just feel like singing the ‘Tight Pants’ song on repeat.
THE SUPER-MOVE THAT’S WHIPPING MY BUTT – Deadlifts. I feel like if I had to pick a favourite gym move right now then deadlifts would be it. I had a bit of a breakthrough this month when I was filming a set for my Q&A video and upon watching it back I could so see what Paul had been saying all along. I’d been lifting up my hips too early and seeing it in action made it much easier to correct. What I’m not feeling so much? The lovely calluses that come with them.
THE ROUTINE THAT I’LL BE DOING IN MARCH – For the second month running I managed to tick off all my gym-related tasks off my schedule, which is kind of unheard of for me because I never reach the end of my to-do list by the end of the week. Ever. I really must be enjoying this gym stuff! For March I plan on sticking with the three times a week PT sessions – one leg, one pull, one push day – mainly because I feel like it’s working. Some parts of my body still look like a blancmange, but others are starting to look stronger. Instead of mixing it up with short cardio sessions, I’m going to try and do some yoga instead because I am TIGHT and not in a good way. It’s time to get downward dogging again.