
Hi, I'm Anna.

U.K-based online content creator and author of the organisation manual ‘An Edited Life’.

'The Wardrobe Edit' on Substack

A place for minimal style lovers, this twice a week Substack newsletter is your place for alllll the style inspo direct to your inbox. Your one-stop-shop, whether you're looking for new ways to wear your old favourites, or want someone to do the scrolling for you. Allow me?

'The Packing Edit' - Available Now

Find everything you need to organise, sort and plan your holiday wardrobe in this 14-page PDF download. From the travel essentials that I’ve used for years, to the best packing guides around (one for short trips and one for long-haul holidays) – this guide will make your next packing session a breeze. I’ve thrown in a 10-piece capsule wardrobe for you to riff off and my top hot weather investment buys too. You are SORTED.


The Dairy-Free Caramel Milkshake Recipe

Caramel Milkshake

I’m always on the lookout for sweet stuff that’s easy to rustle up, isn’t full of pants ingredients and satisfies my sweet tooth, because man do I have one of those; so when I spotted a recipe for a ‘Date Shake’ from Deliciously Ella I was already salivating before I clicked on the link. Now her take included Bananas which I’m not a fan of and Date Nectar which I don’t have, so this is my little rejig of Ella’s recipe which is extremely creamy, still kinda thick and tastes just like Caramel Milkshake but without a shedload of sugar. BRING. IT. ON…

DAIRY-FREE CARAMEL MILKSHAKE: a shake without a tonne of sugar that tastes just like caramel and hits that mid-morning/afternoon sweet spot. This recipe makes enough for one medium size glass (around 1/2 pint) and is best drunk on the day you make it.

You will need: 300ml milk (I use Almond Milk because I prefer the taste, hence the ‘dairy-free’-ness), 3 Medjool Dates, 2 Tablespoons of Almond Butter, 1 Capful of Vanilla Essence (roughly a 1/2 Teaspoon)

Measure out your milk, then pop your Dates, Almond Butter and Vanilla Essence into a food processor. Add around half the milk and get blending. When things start to calm down and the dates are broken down, add the rest of the milk slowly before leaving to mix for an extra minute or so to make sure things are as smooth as you’re going to get them. Pour and enjoy. Shakeaway who, eh? 
