After the success of the last ‘The Boy and Beauty’ instalment (and the hilarious comments that ensued) I’ve spent the past few months penning down more beauty musings courtesy of my boyfriend. With a post dedicated wholeheartedly to himself under his belt, I think it’s all gone to his head a little and he now offers up soundbites anytime a new product enters our home; giving it a quick thumb over, a suspicious eye and then declaring his no-holds-barred opinion, which can range from an approving nod to a “this looks cheap”. Oh he can be cutting. Here’s the best of the rest of his beauty-centric quotes:
On presentation of the NARS And God Created the Women Palette – “I hate to say it babes, but they all look the same. It’s probably how you feel when I show you another picture of a motorbike, you just see the colour.” My neutral eyeshadow ways have not gone unnoticed.
“Well yes Anna, it’s matte.” His response to me commenting on how his new hair product looked invisible in his locks. Shockwaves Go Matte Clay for any guys loitering around these parts.
A comment that made me realise he does listen when I go on a beauty ramble – “Are Eve Lom and Yves Saint Laurent the same thing?”
When he spotted a new addition to the bathroom stash – “Oooooo what are these? Burt’s Bees. Do they smell like honey?”
“I just don’t understand fragrances that describe themselves as musky. Why would you want to smell dusty and old?” He has a point.
So the slate is wiped clean for next time. And as when any peeps aside from moi are mentioned on the blog I’ve let him approve this piece and just look at that face, he loves it – no men where hurt in the making of this blog post. But for now it’s ta-ra from this up and coming beauty guru. The notes app on my phone is primed and poised for his next proclamation…