I love my Birthday for a few reasons. One – it’s a once yearly occurrence where I can go out and by many treats for myself and have a ready-made justification for them. Two – it marks a year since I moved in with my Boyfriend. Three – it also signifies five years since I first met my Boyfriend – I lured him in with Birthday cake. It’s just an all-round good day with many reasons to celebrate. And celebrate I did with a button-popping meal out and a fair few Amaretto Sours on Friday night (though my actual Birthday was on Saturday). So I decided to get ready a wee bit early and take you guys along for the beauty ride and it’s a bit of a different one for once. None of this ‘five product face’ shebang, I go all out with eyeliner, lashes, glitter – the lot. And I bloomin’ loved it. Maybe I’ll crack out the glitter more often.