I’m sad to say that there’s no Weekly Vlog this Tuesday. I’ve taken a break in programming to get through my never-ending to-do list that had been piling up while I galavanted and ate my way through the beautiful city that is Milan (you can catch up on all the action here). I thought I’d spare you a mindless 10 minutes of me talking to camera with the crazy ‘I’ve only had four hours of sleep’ eyes and tapping away at my laptop wrapped up in mens clothing with hair that hasn’t been washed for four days (and counting). It’ll return next week as my to-do list gets kicked in the butt, but in the meantime I thought I’d sweeten the deal. Quite literally – with an oh-so-gooey chocolate brownie recipe that is so darn stodgy it’s impossible to cut into even pieces. Perhaps I should rename this one brownie crumble bites? Whatever it’s dubbed, they taste bloomin’ fab if I say so myself. So while Vivianna Does Vlogging sits on the back burner for the week, Vivianna Does Baking is in residence…