During the warmer months I like to keep things quite bronzed and glowy on the cheeks. Yes I buy into that golden goddess thing every darn year. But when the cooler months roll around I settle into a more pinched cheek affair; embracing my wind-slapped rouged apples and even adding a little pink blush to eke them out even more. The upcoming months are just a handful of which when my ruddy flush is encouraged. So here’s my rosy cheek edit: all kinds of textures, all kinds of tones – it’s time to ramp up the rose…
The newest addition to my rose ranks comes from Rimmel and it’s their Stay Blushed Liquid Cheek Tint in Pop of Pink. This is probably the most coral-like of the bunch so is a good starting point for those wishing to ease themselves in to more autumnal cheek choices. When dispensed it begins as a mousse, but after a minute or so it dries down into a stain and does not budge. Work fast. You have been warned.
Cream-wise there are two that I tend to reach for Bourjois’ Blush Exclusif* and YSL’s Créme de Blush in 9*. Both are similar in texture – a little bit moussey and blend out über easily to a matte finish – though the Bourjois offering is much cooler and paler in tone. As the two are pretty pigmented I tend to dot and blend these on with my fingers, then go back in with my foundation brush to tone them down a tad and leave the finish seamless.
The most fool-proof of the bunch comes from Bobbi Brown (as worn in the picture above). Their Blush in question is Pastel Pink which is in fact a very pretty pastel pink – no surprises there. The reason why this is a good place to start if you’re a rose wearing newbie is that the formula is so sheer it’s practically impossible to be heavy handed with it. No Aunt Sally cheeks to be seen here. Just a healthy flush; this is the one for all your English roses out there. Speaking of Bobbi, I dropped by their counter not that long ago to have a lesson in the art of the smokey eye. I’ll relay my notes I made to you tomorrow…
*PR Sample