The bit that I thought I’d enjoy the most when it came to furnishing the flat is actually the thing I’m finding the hardest. I’m telling you stripping wallpaper and sanding down skirting boards is a breeze compared to working out what art and soft furnishings you’d like to reside in your home. Having never done this before I have no idea where to even look, let alone buy things (side note: that’s a slight lie because I have recently discovered Society 6 and WANT IT ALL – an order has been made). I’m going for the slow and steady approach, taking it a room at a time and the area that’s getting a little decorative polishing off right now is my office. So today I thought I’d show the prints I’ve purchased for my walls and the pillows I picked out for the sofa…
Print-wise, I picked up Mist of the Pines by Steve Booker months ago; one – because it’s a beautiful picture that’s stunningly simple and two – because I know Steve personally and he’s a really nice guy. Another lovely person is Kate who runs Nouvelle Daily and when she first opened her shop I picked up the A3 Good Vibes Print because I thought it was bloody cute and a good mantra to have in my workspace. For my pillows, if you hadn’t already noticed I’ve become a bit obsessed with palm/banana leaf prints. I desperately wanted to wallpaper a wall in the stuff, but Mark poo poo-ed that idea early on so I’ve had to go for smaller touches instead, which in the long run I know is the sensible idea. Boo. For now I picked up these Dark Green Tropical Jungle Pillowcases from Esty which are satisfying that craving.
I’ll check back in when my Society 6 order arrives because things are about to get even more leafy. Sorry Mark…