
OPI Sweet Heart

Over the past few weeks I have shunned bright nails, last summers favourite of Barry M Coral has been untouched this year! Instead I have been favoring neutral shades, and with the last scoop of Essie Topless & Barefoot used it was time to dig out an oldie, but a goodie. The nail polish in question is OPI’s Sweet Heart. It is one that I have blogged about before, but I thought I would take a better quality picture of it for you 🙂 It is the most beautiful muted, milky pink and leaves the nails looking so polished and manicured. I have to admit it is one of those pesky ‘3 coat’ polishes, but it is well worth it. Compared to Essie Topless & Barefoot, Sweet Heart is much more paler affair and looks almost white in comparison! But trust me this is one of the most flattering nail colours out there, and it looks fabulous on the toes too! 
So what are your favourites shades for ‘polished’ looking nails? Anybody got any recommendations for me?
