I love doing these videos, mainly because it’s a bit of an excuse for me to have a snoop around Boots and Superdrug and justify it as a ‘video research‘ – “Sorry Mark, but I just have to pop into town and go shopping”. Any excuse, eh? I think it’s the wrong time of year for new launches as there didn’t seem too much that looked brand-spanking new, but there were some exciting bits that have started to trickle though so I elbowed my way to front and made a few purchases. As always I shove them on my face as we go in the video above and give you my thoughts so you know what it’s worth adding to your shopping list. This time round there’s a contour kit that’s a bargain and an eyeshadow palette that’s got autumn written all over it. Let the drugstore newness commence…

I’m always surprised how handy a pair of leather trousers turn out to be.