For the second instalment of #WardrobeWeek I thought I’d shift the focus onto all things shoes. Now compared to other videos in the same vein out there, my shoe stash is a little thin on the ground for two reasons. Firstly, have you seen the size of our flat? I can comfortably shoot a Nerf gun bullet from one end to the other. Secondly, I’m so heavy on my feet. Scrapping and scuffing as I trundle along it’s not unheard of for me to create holes in the soles of shoes in a matter of weeks. So although I may have owned a fair few pairs in my time they usually end up in the bin after becoming a non-watertight footwear option (been there, had the soggy socks). So here it is, my small but perfectly formed (if I say so myself) shoe collection and thankfully there’s not a hole in sight…

Love me a jumper with a little point of difference. A cute detail.