Sweat as you watch the TV = THE DREAM…

*This post contains a video that’s a paid for advertorial from 8Fit, but this post itself is not
HELLO! If you find yourself currently situated in the U.K, which I’m temporarily renaming ‘the country where there’s no point ever styling your hair because the drizzle NEVER STOPS’, then you may be experiencing a mid-week slump. I feel ya, but no worries because this ain’t some fitness motivation post that encourages you to wrap up, lace your trainers and get outdoors. Oh no! Who would want to do that in the current climate? No, no – this post is for all my fellow hermits out there who just can’t bear to tear themselves away from the sofa. Sometimes the idea of heading out to the gym is enough for you to cuddle up back into your duvet in the foetal position and THAT’S OK. I’ve totally been there, wrapped up in a sheet sausage unable to move, and when those occasions occur I have some at-home workout back-up plans that make me sweat and give me the same satisfaction as if I’d been given an ass-kicking PT workout, but without even needing to open the front door. Want in? Here you go…

I mean would this even be an at-home workout recommendation post, if Adriene didn’t feature? I don’t think so. I’ve been preaching the ways of YWA for years and even though I don’t find myself getting freaky on the mat too often this days, I still really enjoy it whenever I find the time. I’ve attended the odd yoga class and found them to often be too long (90 MINUTES!), and sometimes boring and repetitive, however Adriene’s routines are never any of those. They vary in length depending on how much time you can manage to carve out, and they focus on particular moods or reasons why you might need to give your body a good ol’ stretch. Some are calming, some are fiery; all are relatable and easy to follow, whatever your ability.
Firstly, Zanna is a lovely lass. An all-round good egg, who has a work ethic so bloomin’ strong that I think Beyoncé would be impressed. The same goes with her dedication to staying strong and wellbeing. She’s a big believer in balance and working out in ways that you enjoy and I love her approach. Although I’m not crazy about lifting weights currently, Zanna offers lots of different sweat-inducing recommendations on her Instagram that feature both resistance training and HIIT routines that you can perform just about anywhere. I love a good dose of speedy HIIT in my front room because you can do it with the TV on in the background if you wish (HELLO FRIENDS RE-RUNS) and it’s over before you know it. They’re worth gritting your teeth through.

This in my one recommendation that you do have to pay for, but I personally shelled out for it when the app first launched last year and it’s still one that I use all these months later. The content available here is vast; from recipes to full-on HIIT workouts, to yoga ones that I find pretty challenging and a yin yoga routine that is my most-played video on the app. In my eyes it’s worth it just to have something on your phone to browse when you’re in need of a new recipe to try, or are feeling a bit ‘meh’ with your fitness. It’s created by Madeline Shaw and she also recommends how best to fit all the aspects together with meal plans and weekly workout guides. I personally dip in and out as I please and find the yin routine one of the best ones on the Internet – IT’S SO CHILL. Slip it into your Sunday evening slot, light up a candle and make sure you have lots of blankets on hand. I once fell asleep doing it and Mark found me asleep on my yoga mat an hour later.
A Yoga Mat. I love the Lululemon one. It’s pricey, but once you try it, it’s hard to understand why a rubberised mat is not the norm. NO SLIPPING! Plus it’s thick enough to cushion your knees, feet and hands in all movements.
Resistance Bands. They are just the best way of giving an element of resistance to your workout, without taking up much space. You can find some stellar videos on the ‘Tube using these; especially some booty burning ones which will have your backside aching by the next day.
A Kettlebell. In an ideal world a cute little weight stack in an at-home gym would be ideal, but until you win the lottery, a kettlebell is the best option. Not only can it be utilised for a whole myriad of routines that target both upper and lower body, it also doesn’t take up too much room.
A Banging Playlist. Not only will your downstairs neighbours love you for jumping around doing burpees, what they really want is an accompanying banging playlist. May I point you in the direction of Lily and I’s Throwback Playlist, which will have you singing along approximately two songs in.
Photos by Lauren Shipley
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