Me and MAC Lipsticks we go way back. Creme Cup was my gateway – I went through two of those cool-toned bullets of creamy pink – then there was the Shy Girl phase which led on to my current love, Patisserie. There have been some misses on the way including Myth and a limited edition shade, Playing Koi – anyone remember that? – which was basically a concealer in lipstick disguise that I used to thickly apply while my boyfriend looked on in horror. But I think I may have found perhaps my favourite lipstick of all their range so far – Peach Blossom.
I fell for it at first swatch at the MAC Counter in Edinburgh Airport (a hauling occasion I spoke about on Monday). It’s a cremesheen formula, which in my opinion are the best texture MAC makes: buttery colours that hit the perfect spot between moisture and pigment. The colour is a tough one to pinpoint but is best described as my lips but a tad peachier, in fact it’s one of the closest matches to my natural lip colour that I’ve found. And yep it’s a people pleaser. Whoever I’ve whipped this out and slapped it on in front of has ooh-ed and ahh-ed accordingly and then promptly added it to their iPhone housed shopping list.
Think Shy Girl and Hue mixed together with a dash of the browny tones from Parisserie and there you have it. The MAC formula for the perfect people pleasing, lip enhancing, can’t go wrong with it, boyfriend doesn’t look too perplexed when you pop it on shade.