
Hi, I'm Anna.

U.K-based online content creator and author of the organisation manual ‘An Edited Life’.

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MAC Brushes: A Few of My Faves


I love a good MAC Brush. Most perform a variety of functions, wash up well and most importantly – last – a bit of a deal breaker when you’re dropping some serious dollar on some fibres and a piece of plastic. I have a MAC 150 that was gifted to me when I left my first ever job over seven years ago now and it’s still going strong. So today I thought I’d quickly whizz you through my top five, that turned into a top six. Yeah, I tried

The one for a flawless faceMAC 188 Brush. When it comes to working in concealer, this is what I reach for. It’s thin and with a lot of give in it which means that it blends in the product gently without moving it and keeping the level of coverage what is was when you first applied it.

The one for powderMAC 187 Brush. Ah I do love this brush when it comes to powder or bronzer. Because it’s a duo-fibre set-up it’s impossible to pick up too much product and it just swooshes what you did manage to pick up pigment-wise so softly. A great all-over powder brush if you’re not the biggest fan of looking matte.

The one for creamsMAC 130 Brush. This is a recent rediscovery for me and one that I think was previously limited edition and now is a permanent resident in their brush line-up. It’s smaller, thicker and denser than their other duo-fibres which makes this the perfect candidate for applying cream contour or blush.

The one for blendingMAC 217 Brush. Do I really need to give you the spiel on this one? Just buy it and thank me later. Buy two! I don’t say that often. Think smokey eyes are impossible to get right? Not with this brush.

The one for packing on colourMAC 242 Brush. Though you could do a wash of colour over the lids with the 217, sometimes I prefer to build up a bit more opaqueness with my shadow so this is what I tend to use. It’s got a thin, slightly curved top which also means that it’s good for smudging out colour under the eyes too.

The one for precision cover-upMAC 210 Brush. For applying concealer to spots, this is what I go to. It’s a teenie tiny brush which can also be used for gel or cream eyeliner, but I like using its small tip to cover up pimples in just one stroke and pat. It’s like a photoshop tool for your face in real life.
