
Lacking Fitness Motivation? I Have Just the Ticket…


A few weeks back I had a little blip workout-wise. Being away for quite a while without even packing my trainers had meant I’d let the training go a little and man was it hard to pick back up. Cue some seriously slow and sweaty runs and a give-up mentality. But somehow I managed to turn it around with the help of a few tips that I’ve popped down below and I’m back on a track, just in time to start my Half Marathon training *gulps*…

Say hello to Instagram. On mornings where I’ve planned to workout, this is how things pan out. I wake up. I feel gross and groggy and decide I can’t be arsed to move let alone go for a run. Then I check my phone and Twitter/YouTube/Instagram. The final app check is key here because on Instagram I follow some really, really fit people and when I see their ridiculously toned bodies glaring back at me I decide that maybe that run isn’t a bad idea after all. Kayla_Itsines posts some great transformations, Styledrifter makes me want to go to a beach and do yoga and LondonFitnessGuide makes me want to go to Whole Foods and try something new in the fitness department. Oh and there’s Amy_FitYoga, who can do a headstand, just on her actual head *jaw hits the floor*.

Get a date in your diary. Having a goal to work towards is the best motivator of all. For me it’s my ever looming Half Marathon race, but it doesn’t have to be running based. Maybe it’s a yoga move that you want to perfect by the end of the month, a number of lengths you can swim in a certain timeframe or to be able to do a Blogilates video without panting for water and help halfway through. Get a goal and a to-do-by date.

Make a plan. In a similar way to how I plan out my week work-wise, I like to factor in workout slots. What morning can I squeeze a run in? Are there any classes that fit in with my plans in the evening? Do Mark and I both have a spare night free to go to the gym together. On Sunday night I sit down and scribble down on what days I’d like to do what. At the moment I like to do a Monday to Friday timetable; running on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday – gradually increasing my mileage throughout the week – and doing some yoga on a Tuesday and Thursday, all in the morning and early enough that I can be sat at my desk for 8am-ish. For three weeks now I’ve stuck to that rigidly. *pats self on back* Also get all your gym gear out and ready to go the night before so there’s really no excuse the next morning.

Get a workout buddy. If Mark and I have planned to go to the gym together then it’s way more likely to happen than if I’ve just made that deal with myself. Fact. See if you can snag yourself a workout partner that’s on a similar schedule to you that can gee you up to get your sweat on either before or after work. Unless it’s Tuesday and you both fancy Dominos.

…or if all else fails. Head to the shops and buy some shinny new workout gear. Hello Nike! I can’t lie – it always works for me.
