
January Favourites

Well January has whizzed by rather fast, hasn’t it. So the whole waking up to do Pilates each morning vow has been well and truly broken, but I’m still slipping a slice or two of lemon, lime and ginger into each pint of water that I drink, and that’s something, right? Rubbished resolutions aside I’ve discovered some pretty kick-ass new products in January, all of which were noted down in my trusty pad to secure their place in this video. There’s an eye makeup remover that defeats waterproof mascara, non self-navigating cream eyeshadows that actually stay in place, my bedtime beauty product of choice and even a read thrown in there.

Select to ‘Watch on YouTube’ for all the extra links, bumf, info and the name of the rather fabulous if I say so myself, red lippie I’m sporting (which by the end of the video is smeared all over my teeth, but lets just ignore that) and let the monthly round-up commence…
