1. My newly organised makeup removal/cleansing drawer, my favourite part of every evening, 2. PJ time, 3. Our first dinner together in our humble abode and the beginnings of a rocket, grana padana and balsamic addition, 4. My current beauty faves – NARS Barbarella is my lippie love of the moment, 5. A different kind of haul, 6. +1 Boyfriend point, 7. Pudding at Duck & Waffle, yes I had to be rolled out, 8. The view from the 40th floor of the Heron Tower, wow, 9. Leighton Denny Starlet is a beaut of a polish – think safari chic with a foreboding festive flavour, 10. I do like the odd burger, but the best I’ve ever had (and I don’t proclaim things like this lightly) was from The Riding House Cafe, 11. As if I need anymore skincare, 12. Dominoes and Arrested Development, get in! 13. Giving the new flat a candle sesh, 14. My Birthday present from the boy: a Space NK purchase wrapped in One Direction paper, 15. The keys to our new place…..
And if you fancy following me on Instagram my username is ‘ViviannaMakeup’. Hope you are all having a nice weekend.