If you said to me a year ago that in 12 months time I’d be a frequent trainer wearer I would have replied ‘Not on your nelly‘. Ever since around the age of 16, I’ve only owned one pair of trainers that my Mum bought for me for P.E duties at school. I refused to wear them during any other time and when I moved up to Sixth Form where I no longer had to take part in strenuous activities that I did in no way shape or form enjoy (Netball aside, I was a cracking Goal Shooter if I say so myself), they gathered dust under my bed and only got brought out each time I decided that I needed to exercise, a phase which usually lasted about two weeks. That was until I picked up the Nike Free Run 5.0’s earlier in the year. Now I get what all the fuss is about trainers. Going from a full-time heeled boot/sandal wearer to an embracer of all things flat has seen my wardrobe shift slightly and for those who are also in the transisition I thought I’d put together some styling tips (‘styling’ used in the loosest terminology of course – this is coming from a girl who is normally in PJ’s by 6.30pm everyday)…
They go with pretty much anything. Seriously. Because my usual daily uniform is jeans with some kind of casual sweater/knit/tee that’s what you’re most likely to find me pairing them with, but that’s not to say they don’t go with anything else. Type ‘Swedish Fashion Blogger Nike Free Runs’ into Google to feel inspired and make you realise that your ones need a clean.
Shave your ankles. I find the Free Runs to look best when there’s a bit of ankle of show and have taken to popping a tuck or two into most of my jeans when I sport them – especially the looser fitting, more boyfriend looking ones. And man do I need to pay more attention when shaving around the ankle area. I think there were some strays that were nearing almost an inch long after swerving the razor for too long.
Trainer socks are your new best friend. There’s nothing worse than having to fold your socks down in half so they don’t sneak out the top. It reminds me of being back in school when everyone else had trainer socks but my Mum was still buying me knee length ones and I’d spend the whole of first break time stuffing them into my shoes. I suggest a bargain priced Primark bumper-sized pack.
Be warned, you’ll want to wear them EVERYDAY. Seriously. Comfortable to the point that you feel like you may be walking on clouds, I now let out an audible groan whenever I know that trainers just wouldn’t be apt for an outing. Screw the boot collection, I sense my one pair could become two, very soon…