When it comes to lipsticks it’s taken me about four years to muster up the courage to don a red during the day. Heck – just to don a red full stop. I was always a nude lipstick lover who cited MAC Hue as their most worn-down bullet, but now that’s all changed. I love a good bold. Ruby Woo, Red Square, Cruella – you know the drill. So reds can be ticked of the list, but the question is, ‘How dark can you go?‘. The berries, the purples, the deep, deep plums – how comfortable are you getting close to black on the colour spectrum?
Personally I still like my darks with visible hit of berry. MAC Lipstick in Rebel or their Lip Pencil in Vino is about how far I would take it, but there’s a new lippie in town that’s knocked them off the top spot. Lipstick Queen’s Bête Noire Lipstick in Possessed Intense (as pictured), which I can only describe as blackberry; a pretty apt descriptor given the subject of this post. So, over to you – when it comes to your pout, how dark will you take it?