I feel like I do a pretty good job of trying to see the bright side of the majority of my facial features. A bushy monobrow? No need for copious amount of brow products. Freckles? Oh hello little sun kisses! Pigmented lips? Screw wearing lipstick on a daily basis! You get the gist. One thing I do struggle to see the positive of though are my eyelashes which, as I’ve mentioned before, resemble those of an elephant. Sure – they’re pretty long, but they naturally point towards my toes which the only benefit of which is that if I was ever stuck in some kind of dust cloud my eyes would remain grit-free. YAY.
Over the years I’ve managed to find my curled eyelash hack thanks to the daily use of the Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers, a lot of tugging and pulling and a waterproof-formula mascara. The combination of tools and high-oil content, low-water content mascara means that I can coerce my eyelashes to resemble a fluttery appearance. It’s a laborious process that usually results in me being a few eyelashes lighter by the end of it and the waterproof mascara means that I have to bring in the big guns when it comes to makeup removal later in the day (seriously the Clarins Instant Eye Makeup Remover is the only thing that works for me).
In recent months (and I’m pretty sure it’s due to doing the above process almost daily) my lashes have just started to look a little sad. Thinner than normal and more stubborn in their straightness as ever. Great. I’ve always been intrigued to dabble with LiLash, but balked at the initial cost, so I started to look into alternatives. Initially I thought lash extensions were the answer. I’ve had them before years and years ago and whilst I loved the end result I remembered that the upkeep and having to be careful with makeup/skincare products/water around them was just a bit of a ball ache. So instead I decided that I’ve give a tint and a lift a go. I’d been following a local Beautician, Jamie Louise Beauty, on Instagram for a while and her before and after pics of the treatment always looked pretty darn awesome. So I booked in, spent an extremely relaxing hour and half with her and came out with lashes that practically brush against my brow bone. RESULT.
A few things to note about the treatment. It was required that I have a patch test before (v.important) and there was nothing that was uncomfortable or stung during the treatment at all. In fact the worst bit was having to open my eyes after an hour and a half of having them closed – “The light! THE LIGHT!“. All it involved was lying down and closing my eyes, whilst Jamie applied different lotions and potions to my lashes. The lift has meant that my eyelash curlers have been gathering dust since I got it done and along with the tint I haven’t even been wearing mascara that much, but it’s meant that when I do I get to use whatever the hell mascara I want. Revolutionary I tell ya.
The results can last up to six weeks depending on how your lashes take to the treatment and three weeks in and I’m still going strong. I can see this becoming a little bi-monthly treat. Not only does it mean that I’m not losing out on lashes to my eyelash curler each morning, but it’s blown the door to my mascara game wide open. Hit me up with your recommendations, please and thank you.