What better way to give a nod to the impending Valentines Day than to badger your boyfriend into a date and then coax him with coffee and the promise of a big juicy lamb fillet to get him to film you getting ready for it, eh? We’re not big V.Day celebrators; I have been known to join in with my single mate’s originally titled ‘Anti-Valentines Day’ that once involved drinking vodka-laced slush puppies down the local bowling alley. Classy. But this year we attempted a more formal affair at The Athenaeum and it was really rather nice. A sprawling room with an class view of London and some of the best food that’s ever passed our lips – we had to be rolled out of the restaurant. Watch above for date night makeup tutorial of sorts (nude with a flutter of lashes was the plan of action) an interesting interpretation from Mark of my end board music and for an extra VDM reader point see if you can spot the bit where I attempt to balance peas onto my fork. And fail.

This looks super chic and will keep you roasty toasty.