
Fuzz Off

Hello, my name is Anna and I am a Hairy Maclary (a furry feature of mine spoken about in more detail here). Thanks to my wolf-like Father I am covered in the stuff and yes, unfortunately this includes a bit of a lady-moustache. I’d never really found the perfect remedy to rid me of my top-lip fluff, I’ve tried waxing, lotions and potions but in the end I’d resorted to a bit of strategic plucking to keep it from looking too Freddie Mercury. But recently I’ve stumbled across a hair removal cream that bucks the usual fishy whiffy non-effective trend, Bliss’ ‘Fuzz Off’* – and yes I will admit the name lured me in too. You slather on with the rubber tipped applicator, leave to do its thing, then scrap off with the opposite ridged side – moustache be gone (for about one and a half weeks before it starts to make a reappearance). No whiff, no worries.

Heads up: if you’re one of those who brushes off the whole ‘patch test’ shenanigans *sadly raises hand* then sort it out. I left this on for the maximum time of 10 minutes to tend to my extremely hardy hairs and my upper lip felt hot, hot, hot for three hours after. I thought my face may fall off. I tried again and left it on for two and can report back with no problems at all. Less is more people. £15 from FeelUnique, now fuzz off…

*PR Sample
