Say hello to ‘Beauty Hacks’ week here on VDM. Seven days crammed with posts and videos filled to the brim with makeup shortcuts, products that make our regimes that little bit more streamlined and tips that will have you nodding along and thinking ‘genius’. Ok, maybe not the last one…
For the last instalment of ‘Beauty Hacks’ week I thought I’d put something out there for all the gals who like to faff in the mornings when it comes to getting ready. I can be incredibly efficient when I want to be, but when it comes to getting ready I like time. Time to catch-up on my YouTube feed, have a morning bath, it’s also normally when I decide to clear out under my bed conveniently. You get the idea. I like to faff. So I’ve devised a fool-proof five minute makeup with just a handful of products that can be executed easily and while keeping one eye on your laptop. Start the clock. Now.