It’s. Been. NUTS.

Morning you lovely lot! I’m currently writing this post from a sofa that feels rather like a marshmallow in a BEAUTIFUL villa that’s nestled in the countryside of southern Italy (but more on that later!). We’re only two days in to our Italian adventures and already I’m at the point where my belly is hanging over my jeans, but I’m 100% ok with it. That’s what it’s all about right? Pizza, pasta and ice cream on rotation? I’m in heaven.
Back to April – you know how these ones go by now. Reflecting back on the past four weeks it feels like they have flown by. Like, literally in the blink of an eye. But when I scanned back through my calendar to refresh my mind on what I’ve been up to it was obvious to see why it feels that way. My diary has been PACKED OUT way more than usual. Lots of work stuff with deadlines and things going on behind the scenes, but also a lot of social stuff. We only had one plan-free Saturday during the month and I have a feeling that I spent most of the day on my laptop trying to get ahead with my to-do list. So it’s been nuts, but it’s been good…

Meeting mates. We’re been right old social butterflies this month. We popped in to see Fleur and Mike and baby River (she’s GORGEOUS and so cuddly!) along with Lily and Rich on our way back from seeing Mark’s family one weekend. Mike made us the most delicious roast and I was having serious ovary ache after getting to squeeze their new bundle of joy. The following weekend we caught up with Lily and Rich again and played clueQUEST with them, which they’d bought Mark for his birthday. I couldn’t recommend it enough and have been trying to convince basically everyone we know to go back with us again to do another of their escape room set-ups. I felt like I was in a T.V gameshow and we got out with six minutes to spare! Then one Friday the L’s came to visit me for a Brighton day – that’s Lily, Lindsey and Lizzy – try saying that one quickly. We ate ate, drank and they squealed with excitement at getting the chance to play on the 2p machines on the pier.
Trying something new. I’m a creature of habit when it comes to working out these days. I mix a blend of Reformer Pilates, with a little Reformer Pilates and more Reformer Pilates. I guess for some this routine might cause monotony, but for me I’m fairly happy with where things are at fitness-wise. I actually miss it whenever I’m away and look forward to move on the machine again and getting myself back to a place where my hamstrings aren’t completely screaming when I try to touch my toes, but are instead just yelling angry insults at me. However, I do understand that I don’t have much cardio in my routine *shivers are the mention of cardio*. I can’t stand running these days, I don’t much fancy HIIT and the idea of dunking myself in a cold pool doesn’t appeal either. So this month I gave a local spinning studio ago. I’ve tried it before – although not at this studio – and I can’t say that I enjoyed it, but I did feel a bit like a rockstar afterwards for completing the session without vommiting/passing out/just standing up and leaving and saying ‘NO THANK YOU!’. Session two is on the cards…

Heading back to Keswick. My family love a U.K holiday. In fact they’ve been travelling to and from Kewsick, up in the Lake District, at least once year for the past fifteen years. They adore it up there and enjoy taking in the fells by the day and playing extremely competitive card games by evening. Mark’s family do a yearly holiday too, so we try to alternate our attendance each year and this year it was Keswick’s turn. So mid-April we headed up to stay in a converted barn and stables with my parents, sister and my Aunty and Uncle. Although we missed the U.K summer and trekked up the hills in wind, rain and snow (LOLZ), we had a blast and I’m proud to say that Mark took the top spot of the week-long UNO championship and I came second. Whilst fancy schmansy trips abroad and nice and all that, sometimes it’s just as fun to spend time with your family, getting a bit muddy and wet and laughing about fart jokes.
Keeping on top of it all. When I looked back through my diary to collate this post I realised that our last free weekend spent at home with zero plans was sometime back in early March. As someone who enjoys a Sunday afternoon on the sofa reading a book, it’s no wonder why I feel that our busyness dial has been turned up a full turn of notches. I’m not the best person at dealing with scheduling overwhelm, but without blowing my own trumpet, I feel like this past month I’ve just got on with it. I’ve set my alarm to wake up super early so I can tick off tasks before the working day really kicks in, I’ve gone to bed way past my usual bedtime to attempt to get ahead, I’ve worked in some capacity every single day (including all weekends) and I’ve got up an hour earlier than usual when I’ve been away on holiday to make sure that all housekeeping things are complete. I’m not saying that I need some kind of medal, but I’m pretty chuffed that instead of working myself up into a stressed frenzy this month, I’ve just got my head down and got on with it.

We’re in Italy! We arrived on Saturday and are spending the rest of the week in the sun-drenched, gelato paradise that is Puglia. I’m here with my parents and Mark for our second holiday in the space of three weeks together (thank the Lord that these people are basically my three favourite people in the world!), and we’re actually filming for a brand whilst we’re out here. DREAM JOB ALERT! So they’ll be a vlog, Southern Italy guide blog post and a holiday ‘Get Ready With Me’ video heading your way next week when I’m back. I haven’t been abroad with my parents for YONKS and Mark and I have actually visited here before and loved it, so we’re having a great time showing them the sights. My Dad is even eating tomatoes voluntary (this is big news) and my Mum drunk wine with her dinner last night (even crazier news). Our next task is to bully Dad into trying prosciutto. We’ll get there…
Photos by Lauren Shipley
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