You WON’T be feeling ‘meh’ much longer.

I’m really digging a good bedtime read at the moment. You lot already know that I’m a complete cold season fangirl, so I think it’s a knock-on effect of that. However, I always feel guilty for reading a book during the day, which is incredibly dumb because you’ll often find me procrastinating with a blog read or a Buzzfeed scroll – why not just pick up a book woman? I think I should let myself off the hook a little with that and enjoy snatching a moment here or there, a quick little break to top-up my brain juice before I move onto the next task. In the meantime though, I’m attempting to put a stop to relentless scrolling on my phone pre-bedtime and instead flick through some pages. Right now I’m tackling three books; one for pumping up my organisation mojo, another for a career-focusing kick up the butt and one to inject some finesse into my wardrobe. Say hello to what’s currently occupying my bedtime reading slot…

If you’re feeling unorganised…
‘Goodbye Things’ by Fumio Sasaki. I’m always down for a book that hones in on the topic of minimalism, clearing out your shit or organisation. It’s my favourite genre of book and my shelves consist of tomes mainly on this subject, along with ones by Parks & Recreation and The Office alumni and style books that I feel that if I buy I will instantly appear more Parisian just for the fact that I made an Amazon order. Being that I’ve already sucked up a lot of knowledge on this subject and the thought of spending a Saturday afternoon clearing out my wardrobe is basically my version of heaven, I will admit that there wasn’t much new information to chew over whilst reading this latest ‘HEY GUYS – STOP BUYING STUFF!’ offering. However it’s a snappy read that I did enjoy dipping in and out of, if only to flex my muscles on the subject again and STEP AWAY FROM THE ASOS ORDER.
If you’re an avid hoarder and don’t give two hoots about downsizing, then no amount of literature on the subject is going to make you change your mind. However, if you’re someone who does have a lot of things and feels kinda suffocated by it and doesn’t know where you start, then I’m pretty sure that you’ll find this a solid read. It’s easy to follow and although not every lesson preached here is something that I find would be personally 100% doable, it’s worth seeing what strikes a chord for you and instead apply those principles to your space and routines.

If you’re feeling in need of career juice…
‘The Working Woman’s Handbook’ by Phoebe Lovatt. I spoke in Monday’s post about how this is my current nightstand read and that a quick scan of the pages every evening helps to top up my motivation reserve. I’m a fan of the self-help genre, but I accept that things get a bit samey; however given that the subject matter here is a complete cross-section of everything that encompasses work/life, it’s been broad enough to keep me turning the pages, way past Mark turning his light off.
If you’re someone who has a bloody great idea and wants to start a business from the ground-up, then this is going to act as a basic guide to getting the ball rolling. If you’re currently working in a role that you’d like to take on freelance, then this book tells you how to make that your reality. If you’re a gal or guy who really doesn’t have a clue what it is that you want to do, then the first chapter of this is basically like therapy (I’ve actually picked up an extra copy for a mate who’s currently on a career break). For me, I like to read it just so I can work through the exercises that I feel apply to me and see if I’m on the right track. It gives me a chance to take a moment for big-picture thinking and self-assessment, which isn’t something that we stop to do too often. It obviously helps that this book is formatted beautifully, and littered with interviews with cool, creative industry types. It basically stops me wanting to sleep and as someone who would say that my bed is my favourite place in the world, THAT’S HUGE.

If you’re feeling in need of wardrobe inspiration…
‘Dress Scandinavian’ by Pernille Teisbaek. In terms of blogs that I check-in daily with, they mostly span the fashion category (Man Repeller and Shot From The Street if you were wondering). Whilst it’s nice to consume style content online, there’s something about a chunky hard book, brimming with photographs, that just feels special. I saw this book doing the rounds on Instagram and it took me all of about two seconds to add it to my Amazon cart and press checkout. THE COVER! THE NAME! Sold.
Some might deem this a coffee table book and use it as a coaster or a picture prop, occasionally flicking through. But I like to treat them like a classic piece of fiction, and this is no different as it’s currently sitting on my bedside table with a bookmark wedged into the pages about two thirds of the way through. The copy is to the point, but it’s the pictures here that have got me going all heart-eye emoji. I’m now a fully-fledged proper Pernille Instagram stalker. Her style is classically Scandinavian, but with a twist and I’ve been making notes left, right and centre. Trainers and a midi skirt look so chic – who knew? A big massive, roll neck jumper is top of my winter capsule shopping list. This book is great for inspiration, but possibly not so great for your bank balance. The £9.99 you’ll pay for it, is the start of a slippery slope…
Photos by Lauren Shipley
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