
Everyday Makeup Video

This is a little late as Youtube kept screwing me over with this one, but it’s up! Finally! I have been meaning to film a ‘This Is Actually What Makeup I Wear Everyday’ Tutorial thing for a long time now, with better lighting and my ever-so slightly increased camera knowledge so here it is. I do warn you – I filmed this before Christmas, so somethings that I say may sound a little strange, and I popped a little blooped in the end just so you can get a taste of what an un-edited video would really be like.

I think I’m going to have a bit of a video filming marathon this weekend! A nail polish collection, ‘drugstore’ favourites and a tanning routine are on my list but if you can think of anything else then let me know! I’m also planning a huge blog re-design (v. exciting). At the moment it’s all just a few sketches on a notepad so we’ll see, but hopefully soon Vivianna Does Makeup will be looking slicker than ever 🙂 
