I’ve seen quite a few of my favourite Youtubers doing these types of videos, so I thought I would join in the trend and hoard away empty tubes and bottles of product until there was enough to be deemed video worthy. Honestly, if people in the ‘real’ world knew we were doing this, eh! I think the concept of ’empties’ videos is pretty interesting; I love watching a good haul, or a first impressions review, but it’s great to get full thoughts on a product once you’ve used the whole thing up and whether you would repurchase again or move onto something new. Plus, this video make me take loads of things that were laying around half full and actually get round to using them up. Hope you like it cause I’ve already started collecting empties for the next episode! As always click on the ‘Watch on Youtube’ tab for all the information and extra links and enjoy!

Toteme do such brilliant tailoring. So good it makes me want to wear trousers.