The VDM Forum is back in business and this time I’m pondering the topic of repurchases. A repurchased item shows true love for a product in a beauty addict’s world. A sign of a trusted formula and a gesture that shows conviction that that particular tube/bottle/wand is pumped with the best darn stuff in that category. A big deal, non? Cotton pads, makeup removers and other necessary items aside, I’m always intrigued by which products made a persons repurchased cut. I haven’t been keeping count but in the running for me would be: MAC Mineralise Skinfinish Natural, L’Oreal Telescopic Waterproof Mascara and Bobbi Brown’s Creamy Concealer which I tend to go through at a rate of knots. Now your turn – what tops your most repurchased list?

This looks super chic and will keep you roasty toasty.