So this was a bit of a last minute whirlwind of a video, but with Mark at work during the week whenever I wish to utilise his photography and videography skills we have to shoot things at the weekend. FUN TIMES. So yesterday we hopped on an adventure with half my wardrobe in the boot of the car and after editing the resulting footage at 6am this morning (I do hope there’s not a nip slip somewhere that I haven’t noticed) this is the end product.
I wanted to put together a ‘Week in Outfits’ type of video, but seeing as most of my week is spent either in extreme loungewear working from home, or smart-casual garb that I throw on for trips to London and meetings, instead I thought I’d show you the items that are in the middle of the spectrum that I tend to wear at the weekend. So here it is – a weekend lookbook featuring four outfits ranging from the socially appropriate brunch-type OOTD, to a straight-up leggings and knitwear moment that I tend to wear when I’m just hanging around the flat (the latter of which are most definitely a personal favourite). #LEGGINGSLOVER4LYF