A mad one in London…

If there’s one thing that I’m pretty pants at in this whole blogging malarkey, it’s vlogging. I’m mean, I’m sure there’s at least a dozen other skills that I’m crap at that I could add to the list, but vlogging is something that whilst I love the end result of, the actual doing it is something that I suck at. This past week I attempted my usual weekly vlog and failed horribly resulting in a slightly chopped up, daily/weekly montage mash-up. It’s not the most coherent, but you get the gist and it was such a mad, but fun week that I still wanted to share the sticked-together finished article.

So, yeah – last week was nuts. I spent four of the seven days in London, doing various things from shooting with old blogger pals, being in the same room as Mel C and a bevy of inspiration women at the Red Women of the Year Awards with Clinique, shooting for one of my favourite brands for a Christmas campaign (WHUT?!) and then doing two events at Liberty with Lily and the amazing charity, Look Good Feel Better. Let’s just say that Sunday night was the first time I had a bit of shut eye on the train for a long time. Nothing like a nap in the window seat, right?

It might have been a bit crazy, but it was definitely fun and as I sat there on Sunday night with a big ol’ box of Dominos resting on my belly (SPOILER!), I had a huge grin plastered on my face. Getting to meet any of you is always fun, but the LGFB afternoon tea meet-ups were seriously a dream. I mean, just look at that room! The food! The goodie bags! Have a watch to have a proper nosy around if you didn’t get the chance to grab a ticket, but we really hope to do more in the future. Getting to meet you lot, whilst scoffing down on prosecco and scones is how I’d quite happily spend every weekend (as long as there’s Domino’s involved too).
Photos by Lauren Shipley