
A Day in Food: The Weekend Edition

Weekend Food 1 Weekend Food 2

Man do I love my food. Since moving to London almost two years ago now – two years, say what?! – I’ve experienced a tweak in palette, a taste to try out new things (though I need to give Lily credit for that one) and a passion for spending a disproportionate amount of time in the kitchen rustling up new recipes. This is a big change for the girl who used to live in the frozen section of the supermarket, but that’s student budgeting for ya, eh? During the weeks I try to keep things healthy-ish, which the odd dinner out here and there, but at the weekend? Well that’s when it’s time to feast. No holds barred. Here’s what went down in my kitchen a few weekend’s back…

BREAKFAST: I’ve mentioned before that during the AM on a Saturday or Sunday the kitchen is exclusively a pancake zone. I love pancakes. I could happily eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner and having just purchased the best non-stick pan ever (who knew I’d ever get so excited about homeware purchases!?) I’ve actually got pretty good at making them. If I’m in the mood for crêpes I use this Nigella recipe, but if I fancy a thicker, slightly beefier stack then I use Amelia’s recipe, which topped off with Greek yogurt and berries is particular delightful. 

LUNCH: I have to say I’m not a huge lunch lover. Brunch? Hells yeah. But lunch, well if I’ve chomped my way through a stack pancakes not too long ago, because I’m rather partial to a lie-in or two at the weekend, then I keep it kinda light. Guacamole is a safe bet though, filling enough to keep me going and handily it means I can usually use up a load of things from my fridge which are looking a bit worse for wear. I use this recipe and accompany it with tortilla chips or some sort of veg.

DINNER: Now here is where I like to get a bit creative. I can easily fill a whole Sunday with dinner prep: browsing BBC Good Food for a recipe, writing a shopping list, heading to the shops where I end up leaving with double the produce I’d set out for, unpacking it all and chopping, marinating etc etc. It’s one of my favourite ways to log-off and relax. On this particular day I began with a Beef Wellington which was rather tasty, if I say so myself. I used this recipe, mainly because it was mushroom and pâté free and ended with a melt-in-the-middle chocolate fondant which did actually melt-in-the-middle. Get in

What’s on the menu for you lot today then? Anything in particular that you like whip out food-wise at the weekend? Feel free to leave links to recipes or über long comments detailing your culinary favourites below. I’m always on the lookout for some tummy rumbling-inspiration…
