Because things are getting a little slack round here…

Capsule wardrobe, eh? It’s been a while hasn’t it? I’ve seen some tweets and comments here and there asking if I’m still subscribed to the principles of capsule wardrobing, so I thought it was about time that I posted an update. Truth be told though, I haven’t been doing much with my wardrobe in recent months. I’ve picked up a few occasionwear pieces like the Whistles Jumpsuit from this video and then this Jumpsuit for a wedding. I also picked up some Whistles tops back at the beginning of summer (you sensing a theme here?). Oh yes, and then there was the ASOS and Topshop summer haul where I filled in the gaps in my suitcase for a beach holiday. Basically I’ve picked up dribs and drabs to tide me over for certain events, but I’d lost touch with the whole capsule idea.

Now I put this down to the fact that I hate dressing for hot weather and so the idea of a summer capsule wardrobe just doesn’t appeal. In fact the whole having to dress for blistering heat with the lovely combination of sweat patches and clammy inner thighs just doesn’t appeal either. I’m a knitwear, jeans and boots kinda gal. I like layers, coats, big chunky textures, thermals, cashmere, hot water bottles for your hands – summer just ain’t my thing. So basically from about May to September I muddle though, sweating it out in jeans where possible and giving in to a cami, but only when I have to. As I tell myself every autumn – next summer I’ll nail it. Let’s see if that happens.

I was weirdly looking forward to coming back from holiday as it meant that my hot weather duties were over for the year and it was finally time to have a sort through my wardrobe and get ready for autumn. BRING ON THE MINI HAND HOT WATER BOTTLES. I’ve decided not to stick rigidly to any particular rules this time round. I’m going with a similar amount of items as last time, am trying to buy less pieces but at a higher quality so things last longer, although I will try and not shop until my winter rejig once I’ve got things just right. I think that’s the only ‘rule’ I’m going to impose on myself as I do find that ASOS scrolling is my go-to procrastination activity. It sometimes gets to the point where I feel like I’d get a bit star-struck if I saw one of the models walking down the street.

So let me tell you where I’m at right now. Last weekend I did my clear-out. I took all the summer pieces out of my wardrobe and into my under-bed storage, got rid of any items that I hadn’t worn in yonks (my sister will be chuffed), re-added in the autumnal pieces that I’d had stored away and then took out a few items that needed a bit of love and to be dry-cleaned. If you missed the whole thing on Snapchat then I’ve uploaded my story from the day here, so you can see the process for yourselves.
Afterwards things looked a little bare as some items awaited dry-cleaning and others went into the wash. After I’d got everything back and in tip-top condition (and with the sweat/deodorant mustiness removed – nice), I made a couple of purchases online. I’ve realised that however much I try to be stylish, I have a simple uniform of jeans, boots, some kind of semi-structured jacket and then either a jumper if it’s a casual kinda day, a shirt if I need to look a little fancier and then some kind of detailed blouse for any special events. My top half basically determines my formal-fashion level for the day. Seeing as I’ve pretty much got my denim stash, footwear and coat collection down, I purchased a couple of shirts and sweaters to fulfil my uniform needs. Haul incoming any day now…
Photos by Lauren Shipley