And this one’s even longer than the last one…

Oh hello there! It’s actually been a while since I sat down at my laptop to write a blog post as I had things ready to roll out and self-publish whilst I was away last week. I have to say that it feels nice to be back. I enjoy my daily grind of emails, editing, writing and more emails and I always enjoy getting back into the swing of things (the only bit I don’t enjoy about returning from travelling – UNPACKING – groan). Speaking of packing and organising that’s what today’s video is all about. My favourite topic. Surprise, surprise.

After my makeup decluttering video, I asked on Twitter if you’d like to see the same style of video, but this time going through my general beauty stash. The majority of you answered ‘Hell yeah‘ so here it is. It’s certainly not as sexy going through the drawers that house everything non-cosmetic related from the cuticle removers I use, to umpteen bottles of shower gels and body oils (I bloomin’ love a good body oil as you’ll see from the video). But once again, it’s one of those ones that you can throw on in the background or just have a nap to, I have. Trust me the editing of this one was painful, although I’m not sure that I could subject you to a full hour of me umm-ing and ahh-ing over shampoo. I’m really selling it here, aren’t I?

Again, like the last video, I forgot that I was supposed to be clearing things out as I went and instead held on to most of it and ended up doing more of a show-and-tell than anything else. DOH. Although I do feel like I can be a bit more hoarder-ish here, as I tend to work through body, hair and skincare items at a faster pace than makeup (at least that’s what I tell myself in order to feel ok about the fact that I own 15 face oils). In the video I also share what my current haircare routine, shower stash and skincare grab-and-go cabinet look like, so it’s a hefty video. Oh yeah, we’re talking over half an hour here.

So have a watch below, take a nap, rustle up a pancake or five whilst you’re watching. Quick warning through, I’m pretty sure that it might pass on the need to clear-out anything and everything NOW. You have been warned…
Photos by Lauren Shipley