Every few months or so I like to drop in to let you in on the updates and new additions to my reading list. You know me if I’m not tapping away at my laptop, googling Ryan Gosling GIF’s or stalking the Whistles website obsessively, then there’s a high chance that I’m digesting a beauty or fashion related read of some sort and over recent times there have been five that I’ve repeatedly returned to for my daily fix. So this weekend it’s time to share. WARNING: make sure you’ve got your Amazon account logged in for my sole tangible recommendation and a few hours in your schedule clear before reading on…
Influence by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Being such a ridiculously big fan girl of the Olsen twins since their ‘Two of a Kind’ days I find it hard to believe that their book only arrived on my doorstep a few weeks ago (I’ve been getting a bit Amazon crazy since finally signing up to their Prime service – oops). This coffee table read isn’t so much about the twins as it is about their inspirations, and their inspirations inspirations. Which all in all is very….inspiring. Surprise, surprise.
Minimalistbaker.com. I’ve mentioned Dana and John’s husband and wife complied baking blog before, but I just had to sprinkle some more love over it again because it literally makes me salivate on a daily basis. Since mentioning them last time I’ve tried the Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pretzel Truffles and they were incredible. I may have consumed double digits of them in just one day. May. Simple, easy to follow recipes with no fancy schmansy ingredients – the best foodie blog I follow.
Beautyisboring.com. The pictures on this site are just jaw-droppingly stunning. Created by Makeup Artist and Photographer, Robin Black, B.I.B documents a photo essay on the study of the face and features editorial shots along with the exact products Robin used to create the look below. Genius. It’s just one of those places that it’s good to drop by whenever you need something that is going to make you emit an audible ‘wow’.
Lipstickwithsomesunshine.com. Speaking of kick-ass photography, Tammie, the blogger behind Lipstick With Some Sunshine is just my queen. I discovered her blog through her Instagram – which too it well worth a look – and my interested is piqued whatever product she features. Good ol’ beauty content with the odd lifestyle and fashion post thrown in here and there.
Thecoveteur.com. I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this site around these parts before. Or have I? After four years of daily content writing my mind does tend to play tricks on me, but back to the point and boy is The Coveteur a good’un. Ever wondered what Lisa Eldridge’s bathroom cabinet shapes up like, what’s inside Lauren Conrad’s digs or what a day in the life looks like for the cutest dog in the world, Boo? Yep, really. Well The Coveteur has all the answers with a daily peek into the lives of some seriously cool people (and pets).