
24 Days of Yoga (and counting)


With there being a pause in my thrice-weekly runs thanks to a rather painful, but getting better, shin-splint issue I still wanted to do something active in my free-time, but something low impact that wouldn’t leave me hobbling after it. I never thought I’d become the kinda person that quite looks forward to getting the ol’ heart rate pumping on a regular basis, but I’ve found that on weeks where I’ve deemed myself ‘too busy’ to do anything that requires taking a bit of time to get sweaty and moving, I’ve been a grump. Now I’m not saying that exercising makes me completely grump-free, but it does tend to mean that I use the straight-mouthed grumpy face emoji less and that’s a good measure, right?

As I mentioned in my February Fitness File, I was intrigued by the 30 Days of Yoga Challenge by Yoga with Adriene. 30 10-30 minute videos, one to do each day, with minimal equipment required (just a mat and the odd need for a large book or yoga block) and appropriate for all levels (I’m a complete beginner with the inability to touch my toes or do anything that exhibits flexibility) – it sounds doable right? Well I’m 24 days in now and I’m kinda sad that it’s almost over. If you had told me I would feel this way 24 days ago I would have laughed, scoffed and then probably demonstrated how when I try to touch my toes it looks like I’m trying to reach my knees.

It’s going to be a long while before I finally flick up feet up into Crow Pose and I must admit that Savasana is currently my favourite move of all, but it’s amazing how even in just over three weeks I’m getting closer to resting my heels down in Downward Dog and can feel the strength in my incredibly weak arms building, all while doing a practice that feels challenging, but relaxing at the same time. It’s become part of my routine in the morning; I get in my comfies, roll out my mat, press play and get moving. Even Mark’s got into it and gets buthurt when I do the routines in the morning without him. Us both stumbling round our front room while we attempt and fail to balance on one leg is really quite a sight.

If you’re looking to mix up your fitness routine with something that’s fun, free and funny, then give the #30DayofYoga challenge a go. Adriene is a real babe, as Mark helpfully pointed out. Now I see why he’s got into Yoga too…
