It’s been a while since I checked in with a bit of a lifestyle favourites, so today’s video is exactly that. If you follow me on Snapchat (or Instagram Stories – controversial, right?) none of these will come as a surprise to you because they’re all odds and sods that I’ve mentioned before round those parts. There’s a real mix; featuring fashion items, workout leggings, a cookbook (of course) and even a cookie scoop (because I basically make cookies every other day).
I think my favourite, favourite item from recent weeks has to be the Levi’s Jacket that I mentioned in this post. I’m most definitely not a cool cat, but whenever I wear it I feel ‘down with the kids‘ (I’m pretty sure the fact that I even typed that and put inverted commas around it, means that I’m really not down with the kids) and it’s just a comfortable piece that works just as well going out for dinner with friends, as it does popping to the supermarket. Oh yeah, and I’m a sucker for anything that has my name on it.
There’s also a candle that reminds me of a scent from my childhood which I annoyingly can’t quite work out. It drives me insane and I spend the whole time that it’s burning sniffing the air like a dog until my nose hurts. Of course it wouldn’t be a lifestyle favourites with some workout wear in there, so I’ve given a nod to the leggings (NAVY MARBLE – need I say anymore?) that I’ve been getting the most wear out of this month and the sports bra that’s all strap-y and funky looking, but is surprisingly practical too.
You ready for the rave train? Hop on board.
Photos by Lauren Shipley