
Hi, I'm Anna.

U.K-based online content creator and author of the organisation manual ‘An Edited Life’.

'The Wardrobe Edit' on Substack

A place for minimal style lovers, this twice a week Substack newsletter is your place for alllll the style inspo direct to your inbox. Your one-stop-shop, whether you're looking for new ways to wear your old favourites, or want someone to do the scrolling for you. Allow me?

'The Packing Edit' - Available Now

Find everything you need to organise, sort and plan your holiday wardrobe in this 14-page PDF download. From the travel essentials that I’ve used for years, to the best packing guides around (one for short trips and one for long-haul holidays) – this guide will make your next packing session a breeze. I’ve thrown in a 10-piece capsule wardrobe for you to riff off and my top hot weather investment buys too. You are SORTED.


10 Reasons To Follow Me On Snapchat


Lily has been trying to get me into snapchat for months, but after a quick dalliance with it last year I accidentally locked myself out of my account and so tried to convince myself that my inactivity was ok because it was for the youths of today and pictures of private parts. Thankfully I managed to get back into my account about a month ago and ever since I’ve been LOVING it. In fact I’m not sure a day has gone past where I haven’t snapped. Daily vlogger I am not, but daily snapchatter? Well I guess at the moment I am. In case you need some convincing to hit the follow button or even just download it in the first place (I’ve yet to be sent a penis picture yet, it’s not as bad as everyone says it is!), then here’s why you might like it…

My snapchat name is: viviannamakeup

1. More Mark. Need I say anymore? We’re not regular vloggers, but he does tolerate me shoving my phone in his face at regular intervals throughout the day. Watch the hilarity ensue as the 10 second limit cuts him off every single time.

2. See me break the world record for being the sweatiest, most red faced person at the gym EVER. People who glow and look like they are in some kind of Nike advert when they workout? Yeah that’s not me.

3. Instagram makes things look über glam, but Snapchat is where the reality happens. Yesterday I had to keep searching for nearby toilets that I could use as the builders had overtaken our bathroom. I’d never been so happy to see a loo in my life. SO GLAM. 

4. I post a lot of foodie stuff on there, so if you want to see what recipes I’m rustling up or what my current cookbook love it, Snapchat is where it’s at. Right now I could quite happily each the Cod & White Bean Parcels from the Lean Machine’s book every night.

5. I guess I get more into the ‘behind the scenes’ of blogging and YouTube on Snapchat so if you want to know what video is coming next or just how long it took to make and edit my Sping Capsule Wardrobe video (a whole day!) then Snapchat is where you’ll find the sneak peeks.

6. WARNING: It may make you want a to purchase a purple dressing gown because I wear mine so much. I tend to cloak myself in my dressing gown for around 80% of my day if possible.

7. It’s the quickest way to share mini reviews and hauls and just general what’s hot/what’s not beauty product and other bits and bobs I buy. Fun fact: one of my most screen grabbed snaps was one about my favourite washing up bowl. See? Riveting stuff.

8. I look like death warmed up with a pineapple on my top of my head most days. #KeepingItReal 

9. OOTDS! Most days I wear some extremely simple jeans leggings and sweatshirt combo, but on the occasions that I do wear actual clothes I usually give them a quick snap. So hop on board if you like black, black and black with the occasional splash of denim and navy.

10. Right, that’s it – I’m all out of reasons. Instead for my final point I thought I’d give a shout out to a few of my favourite snappers. For fitness stuff I’d recommend Hannah Bronfman (hannahbgood) and Zanna (zanzapan), then for beauty peeps I love keeping up to date with Jaclyn Hill (jaclynrhill) and Laura (buynowbloglater), but my favourite snaps of all are from my website design guy Jay (jayayayay), who is HILARIOUS. Have a follow. 
